Create Quality Gates/bug Bars: a bug bar is a quality gate that applies to the entire software development project andĭefines the severity thresholds of security vulnerabilities (for example, no known vulnerabilities in the application with a “critical” or “important” rating at time of release). Establish Security Requirements: assigning security experts, defining minimum security and privacy criteria for the application, deploying a security vulnerability/work item tracking system allowing for creation, triage, assignment, tracking, remediationĪnd reporting of software vulnerabilities. This phase includes the following practices The Requirements phase of the SDL includes the project inception (when you consider security and privacy at a foundational level) and aĬost analysis (when you determine if development and support costs for improving security and privacy are consistent with business needs). differences between security testing and functional testing.
SQL injection (for managed code and web applications). cross-site scripting (for managed code and web applications). integer arithmetic errors (for applications using C and C++). buffer overruns (for applications using C and C++). coding constraints based on a threat model. This step is a prerequisite for implementaing the SDL: individuals in technical roles (developers, testers, and program managers) who are directly involved with the development of software programs must attend at least one unique securityīy allowing individuals involved with the development of software programs to stay informed about security basics and latest trends in security and privacy, their commitment to writing more secure software will be increased.īasic core security training should cover foundational concepts such as: The SDL involves modifying a software development organization's processes by integrating measures that lead to improved software security: the intention of these modifications is not to totally overhaul the process, but rather to add well-defined securityįigure 1 depicts the seven phases that define the SDL process.įigure 1: the seven phases of the Security Development Lifecycle Process. Of static analysis code-scanning tools during implementation and the conduct of code reviews and security testing during a focused "security push." These activities and deliverables include the development of threat models during software design, the use
The process encompasses theĪddition of a series of security-focused activities and deliverables to each of the phases of Microsoft's software development process. The Security Development Lifecycle (or SDL) is a process that Microsoft has adopted for the development of software that needs to withstand malicious attack.